Which sentence brings the best scene to your mind?

Which sentence brings the best scene to your mind?
Create a fun, beautiful, and delicious palate of aromas, shapes, and textures.
41  40.6%
A delicious aroma tempted the palettes of everyone at the event.
17  16.8%
Create a fun, beautiful, and delicious pallet of aromas, shapes, and textures.
15  14.9%
See the bold color pallets at your local paint stores.
15  14.9%
See the bold color palates at your local paint stores.
8  7.9%
A delicious aroma tempted the pallets of everyone at the event.
5  5%

Number of Voters  :  101
First Vote  :  Friday, October 01, 2021 01:10 PM
Last Vote  :  Wednesday, November 03, 2021 08:05 AM