Certification Maintenance Credit Tracker


The ELS credit tracker tool is linked to your account in the BELS database. All ELS-certified individuals have an account, whether or not they are current BELS members. If you do not know your log-in credentials or are having trouble logging in, please contact the BELS Central Office for assistance at [email protected] or +1 651-925-5528. You must be logged into your account in order to use the tracker and save credit activity records.

How to Use the Tracker

Step 1: Log-in to your account at bels.org.

Step 2: Click the "My Credit Tracker" button under the Quick Links menu (or navigate directly to https://bels.memberclicks.net/credit-tracker).

Step 3: To add credit activity records, click the “Add Credit” button at the upper right side of the tracker viewing pane; this will open a new record entry form.

Step 4: Enter all relevant information for the credit activity in the appropriate fields of the form:

  • Name and date fields are required. For same-day activities, simply show the date range with the same start and end date.
  • Select a category for each activity record.
  • Add the number of credit hours. These should be in whole numbers when possible and, when divided, not smaller than half-credit increments.
  • Adding a description will be helpful to understand why this activity is being applied, how it meets certification maintenance requirements, how it helps support editing work in the life sciences, etc.

Then, click "Save".

Step 5: The new record now shows up at the top of the list when the list is sorted by “Latest” (sort button at upper left side of tracker viewing pane). Records can also be sorted by date range or by assigned credit categories using the filter tools along the left side of the tracker viewing pane. Clicking the “Upload Certificate” button will allow you to upload relevant documentation such as a PDF of a receipt, educational certificate, relevant correspondence, etc., for each record. Be sure to keep a back-up copy of all documentation in a personal file folder, cloud storage, etc.


Additional Information

Please note that the tracker will not tally your credits in the various categories nor indicate how many credits you have left to meet certification maintenance requirements. Therefore, you may prefer to keep track of credits earned using a simple tabular worksheet (download a blank template here).

Information on credit categories, how many credits can be earned for specific activities, and maximum or minimum credit amounts per 5-year certification maintenance renewal cycle can be found here.

Upon fulfilling the credit requirements for a 5-year certification maintenance renewal cycle, and once the application form has been completed and submitted with the appropriate processing fee payment, your tracker records may be subject to audit/review. This occurs for 10% of applications. If selected for the random audit, you may be contacted to provide additional supporting documentation (if not previously uploaded to your credit tracker).

Once your application has been approved, a new 5-year cycle will initiate and any existing records in your tracker will be deleted. If you wish to keep these records longer, please make sure you have a back-up folder or storage location for these records, as noted above.

Questions? Contact [email protected].

Helpful Tips

  • Get in the habit of entering credits as you earn them, or batch input them on a regular basis (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). Don't wait until the end of your 5-year renewal cycle to enter them all at once.
  • Once you enter a credit into your tracker, you can edit it but you cannot delete it from your front-end profile. In order to delete an entry, you will need to contact the BELS Central Office at [email protected] to delete it on your behalf.
  • Individual certificates uploaded to your tracker can be no larger than 30 MB. PDF is the best file format to upload.
  • Keep back-up copies of all your supporting documents (receipts, certificates, etc.) somewhere on your computer or file storage system.
  • Use the blank credit worksheet to track your credits by category before completing your certification maintenance submission form, or create your own simple spreadsheet. You will need to include the total credits by category on your certification maintenance form.

Ready to renew your certification?

STEP 1: Access Credit Tracker – Add and View Credits

STEP 2: Complete the Certification Maintenance Form