Policy on Use of BELS LogoThe right to use the BELS logo is granted exclusively by the BELS Board of Directors. The logo is to be used solely for the organization's digital communications, marketing materials, and official correspondence. Companies that employ BELS-certified editors may NOT use the BELS logo but may state that they employ BELS-certified editors. Any other use of the BELS logo shall be considered only by written request (including email), and decisions will be solely at the discretion of the BELS Board of Directors. Use of the BELS logo not covered by this policy will be addressed by the BELS Board of Directors in cooperation with legal resources and appropriate government and regulatory authorities as required. Policy on Use of BELS-Certified Editor BadgeThe right to use the BELS-Certified Editor badge is granted exclusively by the BELS Board of Directors. BELS allows use of its electronic badge by BELS-certified editors (those who have passed its certification examinations). Allowable use includes listing on an individual's stationery, business cards, personal or freelance websites, personal biography page within your company’s website, social media pages/posts, electronic (such as email) signature, and in a freelance directory. Such use does not imply endorsement by BELS. Companies that employ BELS-certified editors may NOT use the BELS badge but may state that they employ BELS-certified editors. Any other use of the BELS badge shall be considered only by written request (including email), and decisions will be solely at the discretion of the BELS Board of Directors. Use of the BELS badge not covered by this policy will be addressed by the BELS Board of Directors in cooperation with legal resources and appropriate government and regulatory authorities as required. Updated: 08/25/2021 |